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The only data platform dedicated to identifying growing companies.

When you know who's growing, you know who to sell to. Dive into the smartest B2B database of companies and contacts. 

Two people talking near computer image

Discover the power of Gazelle.

Use AI to predict the next wave of the fastest growing businesses.


Company Profiles

Including international company hierarchies


Verified Contacts

Refreshed and expanded monthly


Growth Businesses

AI-generated and human curated


Industry Sectors

Including detailed supply chain analysis

Real-time data. Real-time growth signals. See what Gazelle can do.

Features you’ll never be able to live without.

The Power of AI

Gazelle identifies growing companies.

The cutting-edge Gazelle AI ranks over 10 million companies based on their likelihood to grow, so that you can stay laser-focused on those most likely to buy. Create your very own shortlist of top prospects based on reliable data.

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Global Supply Chain Data

See who's buying and selling.

With over 900 industry buying-selling ecosystems at your fingertips, we help you identify your next client, supplier, distributor, or acquisition target based on our exclusive global supply chain data.

Explore Uncharted Territories

Use heat maps and growth clusters to uncover opportunities.

Identify hot spots in global cluster growth to see where you—and your competitors—have never gone before. Proprietary heatmaps from over 900 industries show you growth-based data on net sales, gross profits, and more.

A Global View

Target importers, exporters, and multinationals.

See granular data on a company’s international footprint and affiliations. Find importers, exporters, and companies doing business in a certain region. Query Harvard-defined business clusters, emerging companies & sectors, VC funding, revenue growth, executives, and hundreds of other data points.

Ahead of the Curve

Be the first to know confirmed expansion projects.

Gain human-verified exclusive insights into planned company expansion projects. Our analysts triple-check and publish exclusive data on new projects—before they go public.

Every Event Counts

Have the inside edge wherever you go.

At every conference, trade show, and event you attend, Gazelle can show you which companies are growing fastest, and contact information for those you want to meet. Come prepared to take full advantage and maximize your impact.

Identify key decision makers to help build your economy.

Gazelle gives you unique access to over 15 million contacts to help power your industry and business growth in your region.